Project success is always a team effort
Project performance only really improves significantly if engaged project team members and stakeholders support and use a shared approach so all share and speak the same language. With our unique training portfolio you ensure that your investments in training and development actually result in verifiable performance improvements. Our incompany trainings are possible from 3 to 5 people and up. The trainings are fully tailored to your organisation's uniques needs and circumstances.
Solution 1: Individual training

Choose an individual training if your role is to "scout" what the potential for your organisation is. An outcome of this training can for example be a presentation to interested stakeholders or decision makers such as the management team of your organisation.
Solution 2: Incompany foundation training

During an incompany foundation training participants are introduced to the best practices. Through interactive knowledge transfer, assignments, presentation and discussion, participants develop awareness of the the best practice and the difference with their current ways of working. By the end of the training participants share a same vocabulaire that will support the development of a team improvement plan.
Solution 3: Incompany training plus

Does your organisation, department or team already have a defined approach but do you experience bottlenecks or problems? Do teams want to take the next step forward? And is there a need for complementary knowledge, understanding and experience to resolve issues? Then an incompany training plus is a good approach. You resolve issues and at the same time realize performance improvements on the short term.
Solution 4: Train to Transform

Do you want to ensure transformation of your project-, portfolio- and change management organisation for the long term? Does your organisation experience returning issues and mistakes? And soes your organisation, department or team need a breakthrough? In that case an investment in Train to Transform is a good solution to choose. Teams are trained on their own initiatives during an intense deep learning training programme and take the next step in the transformation of project management.
Solution 5: Organisational maturity development

Are the importance and urgency of the transformation of project management significant? Is an organisation-wide effort needed to realize desired performance levels? In that case you choose for organisational maturity development. A tailormade change programme is designed to ensure nothing is left to chance. Often P3M3-assessments, framework development, leadership training, individual competence training, mentoring, coaching and support are part of the programme.