Our customers value this training with a 9

IPMA is the only institution providing the opportunity to not only test and certify your knowledge and skills but also your proven competence. Knowledge and skill are tested with a theory exam. Competence is tested with an official assessment. Join our monthly public classes for IPMA PMO, IPMA D and IPMA C levels in the Netherlands.

Organisations require competent people that not ony have the knowledge but that have also prove to be able to apply knowledge and skills in a given project. This requires an integrated approach of contextual, technical and behavioral project management competence.

Hard skills & Soft skills
Certification of competence
Unique selling point on resume
Kenmerk training
Impact op uw vaardigheden:
  • Duur: 4 days
  • Investering: Incompany
  • Incompany
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  • Organizations need project leaders, project managers and project teams with impact. People who proactively contribute to more predictability, standardization and performance improvement in projects and changes.
  • This not only requires knowledge of and insight into methodologies.
  • Above all, it also requires competence.
  • The ability to put knowledge of best practices into practice, to get stakeholders involved in a professional approach, and to learn from experience.
  • The basis of our IPMA D course is formed by the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB4).
  • The ICB4 defines the technical, contextual and behavioral competencies that project managers and teams need to effectively and efficiently realize their project tasks.
  • The focus on competences results in wide recognition for IPMA certificates among HR, line managers and directors, as well as the project and portfolio community.
  • Our IPMA trainings prepare for the official:
    • IPMA PMO exam.
    • IPMA D exam.
    • IPMA C exam.
  • IPMA certifications are internationally accepted in more than 50 countries.
  • Global Project Performance was the first IPMA-accredited Training Organisation in the Netherlands.

Target Audience

  • IPMA PMO focuses on certification of people working in PMO roles. 
  • IPMA D focuses on certification of junior or starting project managers.
  • IPMA C focuses on certification of project managers with a minimum of 36 months experience whom also wish to certify their competence by taking an assessment.

Approach training

Global Project Performance approaches your learning journey in an integrated way from intake to benefits realization. Our engagement starts with the first contact and expert training advice by one of our trainers. Before, during, in between and after the training days we will keep on supporting you until your learning objectives have been achieved.


What can you expect from our trainers?

Our trainers will guide and support you until your desired competence level has been reached. Your performance and job satisfaction will increase as a result. From our trainers you can expect that they:

  • Transfer sometimes complex concepts in an understandable way.
  • Provide knowledge that is practically applicable.
  • Have experience in your industry and functional specialisation.
  • Tailor their approaches to your individual learning styles.
  • Approach project scenario's in a situational and holistic way.
  • Are accredited for multiple project management disciplines.
  • Will inspire you so you are motivated to apply what you learned in your daily job.

Exam & Effort IPMA PMO

Exam & Effort IPMA D

About the exam itself

  • The IPMA D exam consists of “Open questions exam of 2 hours” and “Multiple choice questions exam of 1 hour”.
  • For both you can get 45 points and they both count for 50% in the assessment.
  • You also submit a self-assessment. This is purely for awareness and does not count in the assessment.

Registration and costs

  • After this training you will take the official IPMA D exam at IPMA Certification. You must register separately for this with IPMA Certification. They will handle your registration and the exam and will also invoice you.
  • If you wish, you can also purchase the exam through us so that you only receive 1 invoice.
  • The costs of the exam itself amount to € 700,- excluding VAT and are not included in the standard course price.
  • The dates for the exam can be found on the website of IPMA Certification.

The value of the IPMA D certificate

With an IPMA D certificate you have a special product in your hands:

  • You may use the title “IPMA Certified Project Management Associate”.
  • The IPMA D certificate is recognized worldwide.
  • You can objectively demonstrate your insights, knowledge and skills.
  • You have a holistic view of the role of the project manager.
  • You have both hard skills and soft skills.
  • You know how to get stakeholders involved in a professional approach.
  • You have insight into your own strengths, weaknesses and development needs.
  • You distinguish yourself from project leaders.
  • You can better substantiate your candidacy for interesting project manager positions.

Required study commitment

  • The training lasts four days.
  • For each training day you should take into account 6 to 8 hours of preparation.
  • Depending on your prior knowledge, experience, concentration and level of work and thinking, you should also take into account between 3 and 6 days of study time.

Result and certificate

  • You will receive the result of IPMA Certification after a maximum of 4 weeks.
  • You will receive the IPMA D certificate by email.

Exam & Effort IPMA C

Quote IPMA C Training & Assessment Eurofiber UK

"For Eurofiber's Dutch and Belgian teams we have set up and delivered an integrated IPMA C training programme including assessment preparation at IPMA level C".
Eurofiber, IPMA C Training & Assessment Preparation

1. General

  • During our four-day IPMA D project management training, all 28 competencies are treated integrally and in a practical and interactive manner.
  • You experience the application of IPMA's ICB knowledge areas on your project from preparation to closure.
  • Attention is also paid to what happens or should happen before and after a project.
  • The training is full of varied individual and group assignments and exercises.
  • Exam preparation is an integral part of the training.
  • After completing the training, you will be ready for the official exam and IPMA D certification.

2. Contextual competences

  • Strategy.
  • Management, structures and processes.
  • Compliance, laws and regulations.
  • Influence and interests.
  • Culture and values.

3. Behavioral Competencies

  • Self-reflection and Self-Management.
  • Personal Integrity and Reliability.
  • Personal Communication.
  • Relationships and Commitment.
  • Leadership.
  • Teamwork.
  • Conflict and Crisis.
  • Resourcefulness.
  • Negotiating.
  • Result Orientation.

4. Technical competences

  • Project approach.
  • Requirements and goals.
  • Scope.Time.
  • Organization and information.
  • Quality.
  • Finances.
  • People and resources.
  • Purchasing.
  • Plans and control.
  • Risks and opportunities.
  • Stakeholders.
  • Change and transformation.

5. IPMA PMO, IPMA D and IPMA C exams

After the last day of training you take the official IPMA PMO, IPMA D or IPMA C exam at IPMA Certification.


The training in English will be on an incompany base.

Quote IPMA Training Cape Town UK

"Together with 40 clients we have raised over Euros 65.000,- to expand Philippi Children's Centre using IPMA competence training components directly applied on the project. "
Starting Chance Cape Town, IPMA applied training on the job

Investment training

Our IPMA PMO, IPMA D and IPMA C trainings are equally priced:

€ 1.975,– ex btw.


An accredited IPMA Training (Global Project Performance is officially Accredited by IPMA), course materials, mock exams, exam preparation.

Investment exams

  • IPMA PMO € 700,– ex VAT.
  • IPMA D € 700,– ex VAT.
  • IPMA C € 930,– ex VAT.

If you wish we can include the exam costs on your invoice. We will then take care of financial dealings with IPMA Certificering. 


"For TAQA we have been given the opportunity to design and deliver a practical IPMA D training that at the same time prepares for the official IPMA D exam"
TAQA, IPMA Incompany training in in English

Project success is always a team effort

Project performance only really improves significantly if engaged project team members and stakeholders support and use a shared approach so all share and speak the same language. With our unique training portfolio you ensure that your investments in training and development actually result in verifiable performance improvements. Our incompany trainings are possible from 3 to 5 people and up. The trainings are fully tailored to your organisation's uniques needs and circumstances.  

Solution 1: Individual training

Choose an individual training if your role is to "scout" what the potential for your organisation is. An outcome of this training can for example be a presentation to interested stakeholders or decision makers such as the management team of your organisation.

Solution 2: Incompany foundation training 

During an incompany foundation training participants are introduced to the best practices. Through interactive knowledge transfer, assignments, presentation and discussion, participants develop awareness of the the best practice and the difference with their current ways of working. By the end of the training participants share a same vocabulaire that will support the development of a team improvement plan.

Solution 3: Incompany training plus

Does your organisation, department or team already have a defined approach but do you experience bottlenecks or problems? Do teams want to take the next step forward? And is there a need for complementary knowledge, understanding and experience to resolve issues? Then an incompany training plus is a good approach. You resolve issues and at the same time realize performance improvements on the short term.

Solution 4: Train to Transform

Do you want to ensure transformation of your project-, portfolio- and change management organisation for the long term? Does your organisation experience returning issues and mistakes? And soes your organisation, department or team need a breakthrough? In that case an investment in Train to Transform is a good solution to choose. Teams are trained on their own initiatives during an intense deep learning training programme and take the next step in the transformation of project management.

Solution 5: Organisational maturity development

Are the importance and urgency of the transformation of project management significant? Is an organisation-wide effort needed to realize desired performance levels? In that case you choose for organisational maturity development. A tailormade change programme is designed to ensure nothing is left to chance. Often P3M3-assessments, framework development, leadership training, individual competence training, mentoring, coaching and support are part of the programme.

Quote IPMA Dekra Rail UK

"For Dekra Rail we delivered a Project and Change Management training for an international team: Holland, Sweden, Spain. The training was amongst others based on IPMA's ICB4"
Dekra Rail, IPMA Project and Change Management training

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